Valley Ranch Elementary CORE pics

Valley Ranch Kindergarteners traded their figurative thinking caps for hard hats as they met with representatives from CORE Construction in the culmination of their Community Helpers unit. Valley Ranch Construction Project Manager Richard Rigsby and Assistant Project Manager Drew Anderson explained their jobs and responsibilities as general contractors as well as safety on a construction site. They also helped learners connect some of the sights and sounds they experienced during school to the real progress happening around their school and answered questions from the students about their day-to-day tasks. 

The Community Helper unit gave learners opportunities to identify what a community is, who is in their community, and how those people help them each day. Students learned about well-known community helpers, including doctors, firefighters, police officers, and teachers, as well as less known helpers such as gardeners, sanitation workers, and chefs and discussed the tools they use. 

The visit from CORE Construction was part of the effort to expose students to real-world jobs and experiences, laying the foundation for deeper connections with their communities. In the spring, students will take what they’ve learned and explore how they too can help their communities.