The Coppell ISD 2030 Strategic Planning process stands as a pivotal endeavor, building upon the foundation laid by the preceding work including the 2017 Strategic Design process, (which developed the district's mission, vision and core values), long-range facilities planning and Visioning work, to chart a course that aligns with the educational aspirations of the Coppell community.
Comprising 64 members, including parents, students, teachers, staff, and community representatives, the Coppell ISD 2030 Strategic Planning Committee worked collaboratively to give shape to the district's future through the formulation of the Coppell ISD 2030 Strategic Plan. Following their first retreat in October, Action Teams, made up of 169 stakeholders, were mobilized to craft detailed action plans, culminating in a robust and purposeful strategic framework, which received approval from the CISD Board of Trustees at the February 26 School Board Meeting. Over the next five years, the Implementation Teams will translate this comprehensive plan into action, steering the district's trajectory for the future. To apply to be on an Implementation Team, visit the Committees webpage and click on the application. Applications are due by 4 pm on April 16.
The Coppell ISD Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap that is reflective of the Coppell ISD community's educational priorities as we look towards the future.
The timeline of the CISD Strategic Planning process is:
Aug. 21, 2023 - Kick-off Meeting and Pre-work with Superintendent’s Cabinet
Sept. 6, 2023 — Board Workshop
Oct. 19-20, 2023 — Strategic Planning Retreat
November 2, 2023 - Follow up meeting with Superintendent’s Cabinet
Fall/Winter of 2023 — Action Teams Work
February 1, 2024 — Final Strategic Planning Retreat
February 26, 2024 — Strategic Plan Approved by the Board of Trustees
Periodic updates will be shared with the board and community at monthly board meetings.
The Coppell 2030 Strategic Plan is based on the 7 Community-Based Accountability System (CBAS) pillars.