Enrichment Opportunities
A Celebration of Learning: Academic Enrichment Opportunities
Originality is the essence of true scholarship. Creativity is the soul of the true scholar. - Nnamdi Azikiwe
The Coppell Independent School District is excited to actualize the vision of the District but ensuring all learners have experiences that support the mission of the organization and the Learning Framework. Across our District learners are participating in experiences that are designed to foster:
Learner Passion and Voice
International and Global Mindedness
Future Ready Outcomes
Service Learning
The District is committed to going above and beyond to ensure learners experience personalized enriching opportunities that allow them to practice and develop twenty- first century skills such as:
Problem Solving
Please visit our individual campus websites for Academic Enrichment to learn how you might participate, coach, or volunteer to support our learners and they showcase their passions, growth, and knowledge.

Enrichment District Highlights
The UIL Academic Decathlon team won first place in Regional competition.
For the last fourteen years, CISD has sent students to the State Science and Engineering Fair.
Learners from Coppell Middle School East were honored by the NASA AMES Research Center during their international NASA Space Colony Challenge.
The CMS North MATHCOUNTS team and the CMS Science Olympiad Team competed at the State event.
Ten student-artists medaled and one received a gold seal at the state Visual Arts Scholastic Event.
High School and Middle School students had art work displayed at the Capitol.
Seventeen students were selected to the Texas All-State Band and five choir members were selected to the All State Choir.
District Elementary Enrichment Activities
Listed below are some of the district hosted enrichment opportunities for elementary students. Check your campus website under "Academics/Enrichment Activities" for other opportunities on your campus.
District Spelling Bee
Science Olympiad
Elementary Honor Choir
Featured Campus
Through the Schoolwide Enrichment Model, Austin Elementary uses mixed-age Enrichment Clusters as a way to engage learners in interest-based experiences. Each 9 weeks, groups of 11-12 learners come together with a common interest and a vague idea of what they are going to do. Through hard work, creative problem solving, and mentoring by real-world professionals, learners develop their idea into a product or service for an authentic audience. Some examples include: sewing chew toys for service animals, designing and making uplifting clothes, hats, and headbands for women in need, creating live video announcements for the campus, and planning an art auction for "Cause for Paws.” (Visit Austin's Enrichment page for more information.)