What's Up Wednesday

Our district cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via What's Up Wednesday, a once-weekly newsletter to all CISD parents. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to in-house electronic flyer delivery. *Note: This system replaces Peachjar.
Follow the steps below to request flyer approval for What's Up Wednesday:
Design your flyer including the name, time, date, location and details of the camp/program/service.
Include the following statement if you are not a District-affiliated organization: “This organization and its activities are not related to, or sponsored by, Coppell ISD.”
Upload your flyer for approval via the form below.
Flyers will be automatically submitted to the district Communications & Community Engagement Office for approval. District staff will review the material and “Approve” or “Deny” based on the standards listed in the Electronic and Printed Materials Guidelines. If approved, the submitting contact will be emailed a link for electronic payment via SchoolPay.
The cost to participate in What's Up Wednesday for all non CISD or district-affiliated organizations is $100 per flyer, per distribution.
... i.e., If you would like to send one flyer for four weeks, the cost is $400.
The cost for Boosters, PTOs, and PTSOs is $50 per flyer, per distribution.
These groups also receive one free flyer per semester.
Flyers must be submitted no later than the Friday before the desired issue for distribution, and payment must be received no later than close of business the Monday prior to distribution. Please contact communications@coppellisd.com with any questions.