Career & Technical Education (CTE)

CISD Career & Technical Education (CTE) program allows students to develop both college preparation and real-world workforce skills development through this customized education program.  CTE content is aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions.

Programs of Study

Programs of study are course sequences that prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in their chosen career. These sequences embed relevant, real world experiences and culminate in a postsecondary credential.

Why complete Programs of Study?

  • Programs of study allow students a hands-on experience that can lead to jobs and internships.

  • Programs of study help students realize if they need education beyond high school and what type of education they should acquire. 

  • Programs of study give students a deeper understanding of their chosen field of work. 

  • Programs of study show that a student can stick to a dedicated plan throughout their secondary education.

  • Programs of study meet high school endorsement requirements. 

Programs of Study Offered at CHS9/CHS

Programs of Study Offered at NTH@C

Department Directory

CTE Staff

Dr. Josh Howard, Director of CTE

Viana Martinez Bayon, Administrative Assistant

CHS Counselors

Cheryl Abreu, Students: A-Chan

Laura McMillian, Students: Chao-Gov

Michael Kennington, Students: Gow-Koi

Heather Crumpton, Students: Koj-Naq

Lindsey Oh, Students: Nar-Roc

Ann Cinelli, Students: Rod-Sin

Keith Tremethick, Students: Singh - Z

CHS9 Counselors

Katie Walker, Students: A-K

Amy Blasingame, Students: L-Z

NTH@C Counselor

Jillian Moss, All Students


Dual-Credit CTE Courses

Practicum In Entrepreneurship

Frequently Asked Questions

Non-Discrimination Statement

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