Primary Purpose
CISD Federal and State Programs support the development and coordination efforts of specific programs and systems impacting instruction within the district. These include reviewing and analyzing district and campus supports for intervention, enrichment, collaboration efforts, assessment practices, on-line data collection tools, and budgeting for federal and state funding.
As a member of the Curriculum and Instruction Department, CISD Federal and State Programs supports various district departments and all campuses in efforts of evaluating interventions and campus/district systems, data analysis and targeting specific needs, budgeting and spending of state and federal funds and implementing structures to ensure the funds being spent are impacting learner growth.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a United States federal statute originally enacted in 1965. These federal funds are authorized for supplemental professional development, instructional materials, resources to support educational programs, as well as parent and family engagement programs. The current reauthorization of ESEA is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Coppell ISD receives funding for the following entitlement programs within the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Title I, Part A
Title II, Part A
Title III, Part A: English Learners (EL)
Title IV, Part A
Improvement Plans
Purpose of the District and Campus Improvement Plan
Using data from its needs assessment, a school must develop a comprehensive plan to improve teaching and learning in the school, particularly for those students farthest away from demonstrating proficiency on the State’s academic content and achievement standards.
The Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) serves as the blueprint for how the campus will actually address the needs identified during the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). An effective CIP can bring focus and coherence to reform activities and help ensure unity of purpose, alignment, and clear accountability.