Attendance Zone for 2024-2025 School Year (this year)
Note: Families looking to enroll at Pinkerton Elementary can use the updated Attendance Zone for the 2025-2026 school year to determine if their residence is zoned for Wilson Elementary / Coppell Middle School North or Austin Elementary / Coppell Middle School East for next year.
Attendance Zone for 2025-2026 School Year (next year)
Effective: July, 2025
Coppell Residences Not In CISD Boundaries
Some residences in Coppell do not fall within the Coppell ISD attendance boundaries. The following addresses are just some of the residences not in Coppell ISD:
Homes on Canterbury Ct. with address: 636, 640, 644, 648, 661, and 665
Homes on Huntingdon St. with address: 789, 793, 796, and 797
Homes on Westhaven Rd. with address 753, 757, 761
Homes on Windsor Rd. with address: 779, 782, 783, 787
All homes in Coppell Greens, Riverchase and Estates of Coppell Townhomes
Homes on MacArthur Blvd. with addresses: 233, 237, 241, 245, 249, 253, 257, and 261
Homes on Bethel School Rd. with addresses: 1009, 1013, 1017, 1021, and 1025
Home on Willet Dr. with address: 422
Wellington Place Apartments
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