Open Records / Public Information Request
The Communications/Community Engagement Department processes public information requests in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA), Texas Government Code § 552 and board policies GBA and GBAA.
The TPIA does not require governmental bodies to create new information, perform legal research, or to answer questions. The request must ask for records or information already in existence.
Student transcripts or education records requests fall under the guidelines set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and are confidential, not subject to the TPIA. Therefore, requests for a transcript or other educational records should be directed to the current or last Coppell ISD campus your student attended.
Submitting Requests
Per TPIA, all open records requests submitted to Coppell ISD must be in writing, and submitted in one of the following ways:
By electronically submitting through the CISD Public Information Request portal (this is the most efficient way to request and receive records). Click on the tabs below to submit a request.
By submitting a written request via United States mail (address below) or in person.
Coppell ISD - Attention Communication Department
200 S. Denton Tap Road
Coppell, TX 75019
By email to