A woman and two young girls sit at a table covered with a pink tablecloth, writing on colorful paper cards. The table also has markers, small cards with printed prompts, and decorative snowflake stickers. The younger girl, wearing a pink striped hoodie, is smiling as she draws with a green marker. The older girl, wearing a black jacket and a headband, is also smiling while writing. The woman, wearing glasses and a black jacket, is smiling at the camera. In the background, other people, including children and adults, are gathered around tables in a bright indoor space with large windows.
Photo of VRE student and Cheeze iit Math lessson
Photo of Anuva Kaura
chs9 logo
Bond Logo
A photo of Wilson Elementary 5th graders mentor Pre-K students
Metrocrest Hospital Authority Logo
Logo for Website
Krish Manjunath, center, and Ishaan Nair, right, pose with a judge Quitman Stephens after winning the Dallas Regional Spelling Bee on Feb. 13.
Photo of Pinkerton Student with Rocks
Photo of Wilson at State Capitol
A paused YouTube video titled "Budget Video Feb. 2025" featuring Dr. Brad Hunt, identified as the CSD Superintendent. He is wearing a dark suit with a red tie and is seated in an office with bookshelves filled with books, framed photos, and decorative items in the background. The video play button is centered over his face.
 A flowchart diagram represents Scenario 2 with approximately 497 students. The diagram includes four entities labeled "Wil," "Pink," "DCE," and "Aus," with arrows indicating student movement between them. "Pink" sends 150 IB Choice students and 141 rezoned students to "Wil," which has an International Baccalaureate Program. "Wil" then sends 168 students to "DCE" for the Dual Language Immersion program. Additionally, 38 rezoned students move from "Pink" to "Aus." The arrows are bold and red, representing the flow of students.
Board Briefs Message
Photo of Student STEAM Lakeside
Student practices Cursive at Cottonwood Creek
DECA photo
Second Grade Students at Town Center pose with author Isabelle Engler
Austin Elementary Battleship Collage