CISD Alert Image

Coppell ISD is conducting a test of the CISD Alert emergency notification system on Wednesday, January 10 at 4:30 p.m. At that time, all CISD parents, guardians, employees and substitute teachers should receive a text, phone call, email and notification via the Parent Square App (for those who have chosen to do so) about the CISD Alert test.  All CISD middle and high school students will receive a message in their CISD email about the CISD Alert test. This is only a test. 

We are testing this system, because we want our community to be prepared should CISD need to close due to inclement weather. During an actual weather closing or another emergency, you will receive instructions on what to do next via the CISD Alert and CISD website at You can read more about our weather closing policy at  

Parents and guardians, if you do not receive the CISD Alert via text, email and phone on January 10 at around 4:30 p.m., please contact your school’s secretary to ensure your contact information is current. You may also email

CISD will use the CISD Alert notification system during emergencies, and if the district or one of its campuses or facilities closes for inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.  These messages also will be posted on the CISD website at

Thank you for your support in testing the CISD Alert emergency notification system.