During their monthly Board Meeting on Dec. 11, CISD Trustees approved the district’s fiscal year 2022-2023 Audit. Though CISD adopted last year’s 2022-2023 budget with a $9.7 million deficit, the audit showed that the district was able to make up this shortfall via several sources including interest earnings and savings on budgeted expenditures such as salaries and benefits and unspent campus department budgets.
During Board Awards, Superintendent Dr. Brad and CISD Trustees recognized:
Mockingbird Elementary Fourth Grader Nirvana Joshi, winner of the CISD 2023 Holiday Card Contest.
Other Board Consent Agenda and Action Highlights include:
The Board approved a submission of Class Size Waivers to TEA for a Fourth Grade Class at Denton Creek Elementary and a Third Grade Class at Richard J. Lee Elementary;
Trustees approved District of Innovation (DOI revision concerning the Mandatory Offenses for E-Cigarette, Marihuana or THC;
Trustees approved Hellas as the vendor for turf replacement and track resurfacing at Buddy Echols Field;
Trustees approved Sturdisteel as the vendor for seat and seat back replacement at Buddy Echols Field;
The Board approved Educational Service Solutions for the Apple iPad Service Kit Bundle;
The Board approved VGI Technology, Inc. for Integrated Camera Surveillance and Card Access Solution for the replacement and upgrade of cameras and card access at CMS East, CMS West, CMS North, New Tech High @ Coppell and the Vonita White Administration Building; and
For a copy of the Dec. 11 presentation to the Board and the full Board Briefs, visit www.coppellisd.com/page/board-.... For a video of the meeting, visit www.coppellisd.com/o/cisd/page....