Open Forum Protocol

Addressing The Board In Open Forum

Individuals wishing to address the Board of Trustees during Open Forum at a Regular Board Meeting or a Special Board Meeting or a Board Workshop MUST fill out a card at the meeting and give it to Carol Snowden. The window to fill out the information card will open ONE HOUR prior to the START of a Regular Meeting, Special Meeting or Board Workshop and will be open for 30 MINUTES.

In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Board members are not allowed to answer questions or concerns posed by individuals during Open Forum.

NOTE: During the Regular Board Meeting, individuals can address the Board of Trustees on any topic during the open forum. During a Special Board Meeting or Board Workshop, individuals can address the Board of Trustees on AGENDA ITEMS ONLY during the open forum.

Open Forum protocol:

  • Questions, compliments, comments, and concerns must be addressed to the Board of Trustees as a whole.

  • Up to three minutes will be allotted to each speaker.

  • Timekeeping is the responsibility of the Board Secretary.

  • Speakers are prohibited from identifying staff members by name or position and from using abusive or defamatory language or gestures.

  • Expressions of hostility, including hand-held signs or placards, and behaviors such as booing, clapping, or cheering, are also prohibited by both speakers and audience members.

Addressing A Concern

If citizens wish to express themselves regarding a specific school, program, teacher, or child, dialogue should begin at the level closest to the concern. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. (Read more about complaints/grievances)