Nutrition & Wellness Standards for School Meals
Healthy eating habits are formed early in life and can provide a foundation for the eating habits we adopt as adults. Coppell ISD participates in the National School Breakfast & Lunch Program (NSBP & NSLP) which provides nutritionally balanced breakfast and lunch to all children each school day. These standards align school meals with the latest nutrition research in an effort to provide children with a more balanced diet. In accordance with the USDA & Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, students at CISD are encouraged to make healthy food choices daily that emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, milk products, and lean sources of protein.
Coppell ISD Local Wellness Policy
Local wellness policies are an important tool for parents, local educational agencies and school districts in promoting student wellness, preventing and reducing childhood obesity, and providing assurance that school meal nutrition guidelines meet the minimum federal school meal standards. These policies are updated by the district's School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) in order to better serve the students of Coppell ISD. Additional information can be found on the Coppell ISD SHAC webpage or click to view the Local Wellness Policy.
Nutritional Analysis
As a participant in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs, the Child Nutrition Department operates under policies, rules, and regulations established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These regulations require all Elementary menus to be analyzed to ensure they meet the weekly calorie, fat and sodium restrictions for the appropriate age groups. A copy of this nutritional information is kept at the Child Nutrition office and is available upon request.
Looking for additional information? Our online Nutrislice menu provides pictures, item descriptions, nutritional information and allergy statements.
NOTE: Menus and items are subject to change based on availability. For more precise information, please contact the Child Nutrition office at 214-496-8050.