Yard Sign Calendar
A maximum of two organizations can place signs at each campus at a time (not including "Game Day" signs). All yard signs must adhere to CISD Electronic and Printed Materials Guidelines and be approved by the Communications department. To place a yard sign, email communications@coppellisd.com the desired dates and campuses and the image of the sign for approval. *Signs posted without approval or outside the allotted window may be removed and discarded.
*Signs may be posted no earlier than one (1) week prior to the event and must be removed by that organization by the next business day following the event. Signs may be placed on campus property only, which is between the sidewalk and the building, in the campus parent loops. Boosters/PTOs/PTSOs and the Coppell Education Foundations may place signs for a total of up to six (6) weeks during each school year, and outside organizations may place signs for a total of up to two (2) weeks per year.
Once approved by the CISD Communications & Community Engagement Office, signs may be made:
no larger than 18x24 and
posted in the parent loop of each campus requested.
Organizations may place:
one (1) sign per elementary campus;
two (2) signs per secondary campus;
no earlier than one week prior to the event, and must remove signs the next business day following the event.
Please be advised that only two organizations may place signs on campuses at any given time.