Truancy Process
Automated phone calls and emails through Parent Square are sent to parents or guardians daily notifying them when a student has been marked absent without excuse.
All students are issued a warning letter when attendance records show that the student has been absent without an excuse on three days or parts of days in a four-week period. Another warning letter will be sent on the tenth day of unexcused absences.
Your student’s Assistant Principal is also monitoring absences and will reach out to you to conduct a Truancy Intervention Meeting. During that meeting absences, action steps (intervention) and laws will be discussed. Your student will move forward with this plan to improve his/her attendance. Some examples of truancy prevention measures that the Assistant Principal will consider, but is not limited to are: conference with student, conference with the parent, attendance contract, tutoring, detentions, truancy prevention online course, Saturday school, in school suspension or Friday Night Live (FNL). There are times that the conversations will lead to other needs and when those are discovered, the student/parent/guardian will be put into contact with the right resources needed for the situation (campus counselor, district crisis counselors, McKinney Vento support, nurse, student staff services, community resources, and other).
Following this meeting, the truancy officer will reach out to you to provide you with a copy of truancy laws and to follow up if there are any questions or additional needed support.
Should absences continue after this Truancy Intervention Meeting, it could lead to a referral being made to the truancy courts. This could occur if the student is not responsive to the intervention.