Substitute Teaching in Coppell ISD
Thank you for your interest in substitute teaching with Coppell ISD. Staffing needs are monitored throughout the year and are filled as needed.
We are currently NOT accepting substitute applications for the 2024-25 school year. Please check back later in the school year.
Announcing the New Substitute Rates!
$125 – Texas Certified teacher
$115 – Bachelor’s degree or higher
$100 – High school diploma or equivalent
We are offering a $10.00 incentive on all Friday sub jobs
Substitute of the Month
Each month Coppell ISD Human Resources recognizes a CISD substitute who exhibits outstanding commitment to their role.

Sharon has been subbing with us since 2013! Sharon only substitutes at the high school, where they have come to depend on her. She is trustworthy and always flexible when they need a last-minute sub. Not only are teachers requesting Sharon to sub, but she has also earned the respect of the students. Thank you, Sharon, for all your years of service with CISD, and congratulations on being our Substitute of the Month!
Contact: Kristine Long
Substitute & Leave Specialist
Smart Find
Substitute Resources