Strategic Design

In November 2017, Coppell ISD kicked off a Strategic Design effort as the previous long-range planning effort was nearing its completion. For that reason and new district leadership, the time was right to design of the next chapter of the CISD Story.
The first phase of the process, Discovery & Definition, resulted in the development of new district Values derived through feedback sought from stakeholders which included teachers, current and former parents, current and former students, administrators, and local community members. These Values represent not only what makes CISD unique and special, but also areas of improvement centering on the themes of engagement, great teaching, redefining success and relationships. The Board of Trustees overwhelmingly approved these Values at the June 2018 Board Meeting.
The second phase of the Strategic Design effort included driving awareness of and building advocacy for the district Values among each stakeholder group. In parallel, the district implemented the Design and Deliver steps in the process. This focus generated innovative solutions to the top priority strategies, which were also defined in the first phase of the effort. The district has developed innovative strategies around redefining success and collective engagement. This year, the district is engaging stakeholders to cultivate innovation around authentic relationships.
Strategic Design Phases
Core Values Audit
The next phase of our Strategic Design effort is to understand, at both a campus and district level, how we are living out our Core Values every day through a Core Values Audit. This Audit is intended to help us with our innovation and planning efforts, as we identify specific opportunities to fully realize the Values over the course of the next few months and subsequent years.
We are again inviting all our stakeholders (students, parents, employees and community members) to provide input about our campuses via this Audit.
Get Involved in Strategic Design
We encourage our stakeholders to lend their voices to our Strategic Design effort. If you are interested in opportunities with this effort or others in the district, please click here to share your contact information with us.

Mission and Values

Strategic Design Presentations
Strategic Design Presentations
Strategic Design Videos
February 24, 2020
November 18, 2020
Strategic Design FAQs
Visioning Committee
CISD Visioning Committee
The CISD Visioning Committee is a collective team of staff, community members and parents focused on the guiding purpose of assessing the current reality of public education in the state of Texas and in Coppell ISD, investigating and evaluating instructional programs and practices, developing a collective vision for the future of our district and education as a whole, and aligning all of this work with our Mission and Core Values. The Visioning Committee represents the next iteration of Coppell ISD’s Strategic Design work which began in 2017.
The Visioning Committee will bring together the work of our Strategic Design efforts, the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee and the district’s mission and core values. The committee is also grounded in the work of the Public School Visioning Institute which envisioned a public school system that fosters innovation, creativity, and a thirst for learning — and one that champions new, more meaningful assessment and accountability measures, and the Institute’s work, Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas, published in 2008. Coppell ISD was a part of the Public School Visioning Institute and helped in the development of the Visioning Institute document.
The Visioning Committee will bring forward a collective vision for the future of Coppell ISD for its students, staff, families and community. Coppell ISD will continue to share the innovative work of this committee as it meets to fulfill its guiding purpose.