During adverse weather conditions, district officials will assess the weather conditions and the impact of that weather on the safety of students and staff. In the event school must be closed or delayed, a decision will be made as soon as possible, but no later than 6:00 a.m.
The announcement will be made in the following ways by 6:30 a.m.:
On the district and campus websites
Automated notification by phone and email to parents and staff
District Social Media accounts
Local radio and television stations
CISD Voicemail system 214-496-8901
When we have a threat of inclement weather, numerous factors are considered when making a decision about the status of school including:
the safety of students, staff, and parents
the safe transportation of students to school and back home
the disruptions caused in the home, the classroom and for activities (we understand that many parents work outside of the home and it it is a concern to make arrangements for care. We also understand that it is difficult to reschedule events, practices, and make up lost time in the classroom).
After School Activities
If school is canceled or delayed, the assumption will be that we will not hold after-school or evening activities unless otherwise communicated. If conditions improve greatly an activity is scheduled with another district, the activity may go on as scheduled. If conditions deteriorate during the day or the threat in inclement weather becomes likely, after-school and evening activities may be modified. It is best to stay in contact with the coach or sponsor for changes in schedules and check the website for updates.
If no information is given, CISD will be starting at the regular time, on a regular schedule.