Return to School Learning Plans
July 30, 2020
Dear CISD Families,
We appreciate your patience and understanding, as our Curriculum and Instruction team and dedicated educators have been working for the past few months behind the scenes, in order to have the best possible plans for learning going into the fall for both Face to Face (in-person) Learning and Remote (at-home) Distance Learning.
Throughout the next week, you will be receiving several additional email updates, as we layer this detailed and in-depth information for you along the way. There will also be a frequently asked questions document for families, additional supports explaining how we will use Schoology as our learning management system, and online resources for learning, as well as training opportunities for families.
Today, we want to share with you our first layer of communication, which includes:
Comparison of Spring 2020 vs. Fall 2020
Schedules for Learning — Face to Face (in-person) Learning and Remote (at-home) Distance Learning
Copies of these plans are available at Within each plan, you will see a comparison of Face to Face (in-person) Learning and Remote (at-home) Distance Learning, including daily schedules and expectations for students, parents and guardians, and teachers.
Individual plans are available via pdf in the links below.
We also want to share that CISD has received the July 28 communication from Attorney General Ken Paxton saying that school districts can override the public health authority orders with local decisions. You can read a district update here.
Please continue to email your questions and feedback to
Thank you for your continued support of our district.
CISD Administration