October 23, 2017 Meeting

Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees meetings.

Board Action and Consent Items Highlights

Board Action and Consent Items Highlights

  • Trustees voted to postpone a decision on approving recommendations of the Facilities Naming Committee for the names of the ninth grade campus and new middle school to a future meeting when all board members are present. Trustee/Board Secretary Leigh Walker was traveling and unable to attend the Oct. 23 meeting.  

  • The Board approved the purchase of 14 new 77-passenger school buses from Longhorn Bus Sales for $1,341,888 using 2016 Bond Funds. The specific bond fund that will be used to purchase the buses will be determined at a later date with input from the Bond Oversight Committee, which next meets Nov. 8.

  • Trustees voted in favor of the 2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plans for all CISD schools. Copies of these plans can be found on each school’s website. 

  • The Board approved Kristen Savant with Norton Rose Fulbright as the District’s new bond counsel.

  • Trustees voted in favor of all other Consent and Action items as written in the agenda.

Oath Given to New Trustee Susie Kemp

Newly appointed Board Member Susie Kemp took her Oath of Office and signed her Statement of Officer at the meeting.  During the Aug. 28 meeting,  the Board of Trustees voted to appoint Mrs. Kemp, a former Board trustee, to fill Place 2, formerly held by Jill Popelka who resigned her position in June of this year.

District Highlights & Awards

Best of High School Photography & Apple Distinguished Schools

The Board also acknowledged current and former CHS Yearbook Staffers for their recent selection for the Best of High School Photography Publication. The principals of Lee Elementary and New Tech High also were recognized for their recent selection as Apple Distinguished Schools

In addition, the Board recognized the great work of all CISD principals at the meeting in honor of October being National Principals Month.

In addition, the Board recognized the great work of all CISD principals at the meeting in honor of October being National Principals Month.

State Award for CISD Resource Officers

The Board recognized the
Coppell Police Department School Resource Officers Unit for recently being named as “Agency of the Year” for the State of Texas by the Texas Association of School Resource Officers.

School Resource Officer of the Year

In addition, Trustees recognized CMS East Officer Tonard Warmsley, also known as “Officer T,” who was named “School Resource Officer of the Year” for the State of Texas by the Texas Association of School Resource Officers.

Emperor of Science Award

The Board also celebrated Coppell High School Senior Lekitha Ammaresh, who received the PBS Learning Media's and Stand Up to Cancer's “Emperor of Science Award” for her research on curing small cell lung cancer. After she was recognized, Lekitha described her research and recent internship with U.T. Southwestern, which was a result of her award.

Discussion and Report Items

Construction Update and Facilities Naming Committee

Louis Macias, Executive Director of Facilities and Special Projects, gave an update on the District’s current construction projects, including the new middle school, ninth grade campus, high school renovations and other district improvement projects. Sangeeta Bachani, a representative from the Facilities Naming Committee, presented the committee’s work to the Board.

State Financial Integrity Report

CFO Kelly Penny shared the district’s State Financial Integrity Report with the Board of Trustees.  She conveyed that Coppell ISD has a “Superior Rating” — the highest rating possible —  with a perfect score on the report.  

Trustees Discussion and Report Items

Trustees gave an update on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board and the group’s recent conference in Dallas. In addition, reports were given on Trustees’ various leadership activities with Leadership TASB and the North Texas Area Association of School Boards, as well as the district’s School Health Advisory Council and the District Education Improvement Committee (DEIC.) 

2017 - 2018 Board of Trustees

Tracy Fisher

Judy Barbo

Leigh Walker

Susie Kemp

Anthony Hill

Thom Hulme

David Caviness