Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),
MAP tests determine your child’s instructional level and measure academic growth throughout the school year. In recent weeks, your learner’s growth was measured using the NWEA MAP® Growth™ assessment. The progress you see on the attached report is indicative of growth seen over the past year. This letter will provide directions on how to read the Quick Reference Chart and Student Progress Report. MAP Growth scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students.
MAP Growth tests are unique, and adapt to your child’s responses to measure your child’s skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn—whether it is on, above, or below their grade level.
Since MAP Growth tests provide immediate and accurate information about your child’s learning, it’s easy for teachers to identify students with similar scores that are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics, and then plan instruction accordingly.
MAP Growth reports also provide typical growth data for students who are in the same grade, subject and have the same starting performance level. Each school year, students in grades K-10 take the Reading and Math tests and students in grades 3-9 also take the Science test. These grade levels and subjects are assessed in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Following each testing period, you will receive a Student Progress Report showing a summary of how your child is performing academically.
We are truly excited to focus on your child’s individual growth and achievement.
CISD Educators
This chart provides you with:
Chart Legend to explain the terminology used in the graph portion of the Student Progress Report, and
Results Table Legend to explain the terminology used in the table portion of the Student Progress Report.
The Student Progress Report has three sections: a bar graph for each of your learner’s assessed content areas, a Goals Performance section, and a table indicating the learner’s results.
The blue bar indicates the learner’s RIT growth from the fall to mid-year.
The yellow bar indicates the norm grade level mean RIT growth from fall to mid-year.
The orange bar indicates the district grade level mean RIT growth from fall to mid-year.
The nationally normed RIT score is provided by NWEA, the company which created the MAP testing system. The 50th percentile is the national average with the 70th-80th percentile indicating college readiness.
Below the bar graph, the Student Progress Report provides a Goal Performance section. This area breaks down the tested subject area into its objectives and reports how your learner performed in each objective. This section also provides a Lexile® Range for your learner.
RESULTS TABLE - Areas to Note
Grade: your learner’s grade
RIT: The RIT score in bold is your learner’s RIT score. The number to the left and right indicate a standard error. The standard error indicates a RIT range; if the learner were to retest close to the testing date, MAP predicts the RIT score would fall within the range.
PERCENTILE RANGE: The bolded number is your learner’s percentile with the numbers on either side providing a percentile range. As with the RIT range, if retested soon, MAP predicts the learner would fall within the percentile range.
As you view the Student Progress Report, consider the following questions:
Is my child making progress, and is my child making progress compared to the nationally normed average?
If the answers are “yes,” celebrate with your child!
If “no,” you may use these questions to guide a discussion with your child’s educator:
Which objectives are strongest and which are weakest for my child in each assessed area?
What instructional plans are in place to address my child’s needs?
How may I support the instructional plan at home?
As with all assessments, individual MAP scores represent performance on one test, on one day. Multiple measures and trends over time will provide a more accurate picture of learner achievement and growth. In Coppell ISD, we use a variety of assessment pieces to differentiate instruction for our learners.
For additional information on MAP testing and your child’s scores, please contact your child’s teacher or counselor. You may also visit the district website for additional information about MAP at the NWEA MAP district page.