Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
In working together, Coppell ISD is committed to creating profound learning experiences for each child, while nurturing meaningful relationships to positively impact our world. CISD is dedicated to the success of all students and is committed to excellence in teaching and learning of the whole child. In addition, CISD focuses on research-based instructional best practices and works to provide a rigorous curriculum designed to ensure innovative, customized learning opportunities for all students. It is through the implementation and sustaining of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) that Coppell ISD fosters a problem-solving culture integrating assessment, data-based decision making, and intervention in a continuous cycle designed to maximize the educational opportunities of all students. It is viewing the classroom as a rehearsal hall in which students receive daily feedback and time to practice that helps them to succeed at the final performance.
MTSS aligns our work and facilitates a focus on collaboration and growth. With implementation fidelity, MTSS has the power to close achievement gaps and address the critical needs of all students.
MTSS establishes intentionality and efficient organization of district and campus services offered for students PK-12 through academic and behavioral support structures in prevention, intervention, and extension.