March 26, 2018 Meeting

Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees meetings.

Board Action and Consent Items Highlights 

  • Trustees announced that during in Executive Session they approved Dr. Angie Applegate, current principal of Town Center Elementary, as the New Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for Coppell ISD.

  • The Board approved the addition of the specified Innovative Courses to the CISD course options and Course Guide. These courses for special education students are:

    • College Transition;

    • General Employability Skills;

    • Methodology for Academic and Personal Success;

    • Making Connections I – IV; and

    • Cyber Citizenship.

  • Trustees voted to amend the agreement with Northstar Builders Group to include Guaranteed Maximum Price for the construction of a new elementary school in Valley Ranch[INSERT LINK TO POWERPOINT].

  • In addition, the Board approved the Monthly Budget Amendments for 2017-2018 and the February 2018 Financial Report.

  • The Board approved Lone Star Power and Performance as the vendor for the new weight equipment at Coppell High School and to move the existing weight equipment to the middle schools and CHS9.

  • Trustees approved Pasco Brokerage, Inc., as the vendor to complete the cafeteria serving line replacements and other miscellaneous kitchen equipment at Cottonwood Creek Elementary, Lakeside Elementary, Valley Ranch Elementary and Coppell Middle School North.

  • The Board approved the Technology Department’s request for E-Rate funding for 2018-2019 and adopted a resolution that authorizes the filing of appropriate forms and payment for services, as referred to in the resolution.

  • Trustees approved the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending February 28, 2018,

District Highlights & Awards 

Several recent CISD achievements were highlighted at the meeting, including:

  • Anniversary Celebrations in Coppell ISD, including New Tech High @ Coppell - 10th anniversary, Coppell Middle School North - 20th anniversary, Denton Creek Elementary - 20th anniversary and Austin Elementary - 30th anniversary;

  • Five CISD Destination Imagination Teams advancing to the State Tournament;

  • Coppell High School Business Professionals of America advancing to the National Conference;

  • Angst Documentary at CHS March 29, 2018; and

  • Victory Place @ Coppell named a Great Expectations School.

During the Awards portion of the meeting:

  • CISD CFO Kelly Penny was recognized for receiving the Texas Association of School Business Officials  Commitment to Excellence Award, and CISD received a $3,000 donation on her behalf from AXA;


  • Several Students were recognized for Art Awards, including the Youth Art Month - State Capitol Art Exhibit; Youth Art Month  - State Flag Design and Young Masters, whose work is being exhibited at the Dallas Museum of Art;

  • Band members were recognized for their success at State/Texas Music Educators Association;

  • Girls' Wrestlers were recognized for their UIL State Wrestling success; and

  • CISD’s National Merit Finalists also were recognized.

Discussion and Report Items 

Bond Construction Update

Louis Macias, Executive Director of Facilities and Special Projects, updated the Board on ongoing bond construction projects, including the new CMS West, Coppell High School 9th Grade Campus, District-wide bathroom renovations,  and updates on roof repairs throughout the district.

Summary of Dual Language Immersion Program

Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Deana Dynis and Director of Enrichment Programs Regina Owens presented a summary of the Dual Language Immersion Program Bilingual Program.

Strategic Design Update

Director of Community Engagement Tammy Taylor shared an update on the district’s Strategic Design process.

Trustees Discussion and Report Items

Trustees also gave an update on the Coppell Education Foundation, and presented a Legislative Update, and gave reports on Leadership TASB (Texas Association of School Boards), the Association of Governmental Risk Pools (AGRiP) Conference, the Bond Oversight Committee and the District Education Improvement Committee.

2017 - 2018 Board of Trustees

Tracy Fisher

Judy Barbo

Leigh Walker

Susie Kemp

Anthony Hill

Thom Hulme

David Caviness