June 7, 2021 (Workshop)
Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees meetings.
During the Awards portion of the meeting, Trustees recognized the following 30 year and 40 year service award recipients:
30 Years
Amy Yakubovsky, CMS East Theatre and Drama Teacher
Shawn Carnes, Food Services Manager at Pinkerton Elementary
Steven Redden, Maintenance Supervisor at the CISD Service Center
Jean Mosley, Director of Child Nutrition
40 Years
Beth Cook, 2nd grade teacher at Austin Elementary
Ginger Denton, 2nd grade teacher at Pinkerton Elementary
Discussion & Report Items
Social Emotional Learning and ESSER Grant Update
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Angie Brooks Applegate shared an update on social emotional learning at CISD, including the change of name to Support Counselors from Crisis Counselors, the hiring of a Coordinator of Counseling and Social and Emotional Learning with ESSER funds, SEL curriculum and academic needs, training for counselors, Panorama survey data and district SEL partnerships. Dr. Brooks Applegate also shared an update on the ESSER grant the district is receiving and how funds will be allocated to address delayed learning due to COVID-19.
Visioning Update
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Angie Brooks Applegate and Chief Operations Officer Dr. Greg Axelson shared an update on the Visioning Committee, which consists of staff and community members, and its recommendations to consider for next steps and internal research groups:
Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health and Inclusivity/Equity/Cultural Awareness ADA Compliance and Future Needs (continuing work)
Expansion of Enrollment to CISD — Selective Open Enrollment (Research Group)
Expansion of PK Eligibility — Early Childhood Facility (Research Group)
Career Technical Education (Building Current Program and Research Current Facilities)
Multipurpose Building — Facilities — (Research Group).
2016 Bond Project Update -
Chief Operations Officer Dr. Greg Axelson gave an update on the 2016 Bond remaining projects and allotments and shared that there is $19 million in bond savings to date. Dr. Axelson also shared recommendations for the allocation of some of these bond savings to annual allotments and new projects, including a locker room and turf field updates to the district’s baseball/softball field at CHS9. He also gave an update on the cost savings of $1.2 million from the district’s custodial contract.
2021-2022 Budget
Chief Financial Officer Diana Sircar shared an update on the 2021-2022 Budget process, including an update from the 87th Legislative Session, the revised budget from the May 10 Board Workshop and the next steps in the budgeting process, which include presenting the compensation plan to the Board on June 21 for approval, receiving certified assessed property values in early August and the August 23 public hearing on the proposed budget and tax rate.
Action items
The Board approved the following allocation of 2016 Bond savings:
Annual Allotments
Technology — $2,800,000
Safety & Security — $200,000
Library books — $165,000
Band instruments — $175,000
General painting — $70,000
Concrete repairs — $50,000
School buses — $1,000,000
General furniture — $60,000
Kitchen equipment — $95,000
New Projects:
Accessibility updates — $250,000
Fieldhouse Locker Room updates (baseball & girls track in fieldhouse) – $400,000
New Baseball/Softball Locker Rooms (at competition fields at CHS9) — $500,000
New Turf for Baseball/Softball (at competition fields at CHS9) — $2,500,000
Board of Trustees
Leigh Walker | Manish Sethi | Anthony Hill | Dr. Neena Biswas |
David Caviness | Tracy Fisher | Nichole Bentley |