January 23, 2023
Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees Special and Regular Board meetings. Visit www.coppellisd.com/Board for a complete list of agenda items, presentations, meeting minutes and video of the meeting.
Action and Consent Items
Trustees approved to enter into the Region 10 Service Center Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreement;
The Board approved the RFP (Request for Proposals) for Contracted Evaluation and Direct Service Providers;
Trustees adoption of an Election Order calling a School Board Trustee General Election on May 6, 2023 and a School Board Trustee Special Election on May 6, 2023;
The Board heard a presentation and adopted of the annual financial audit for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2022; and
Trustees approved the Budget Amendments for January 2023,
Visit www.coppellisd.com/Page/8423 for a complete list of action and consent items.
District Highlights
Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt shared the following district highlights and updates at the meeting:
Girls Basketball Team Ranked No. 1 in the State
Fine Arts Update
Texas Thespian Festival
Drama Showcase at the Coppell Arts Center
Mamma Mia
Artwork at the Capitol
Congratulations to Second Grading Period Super Teachers
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day January 9
January is Board Appreciation Month
Discussion and Report Items
Superintendent Discussion and Report Items
Bond Committee Report and Recommendations
Cindy Powell with Cooperative Strategies and CISD Bond Steering Committee Co-Chairs Jim Walker and Dilan Patel gave a report on the Bond Committee’s recommendations.
Board of Trustees Discussion and Report Items
Trustees shared updates on the Jan. 9 Board Workshop, a Legislative Update and an update on the Coppell Chamber Education Committee and Coppell ISD Education Foundation.
Board of Trustees
Leigh Walker | Manish Sethi | Anthony Hill | Ranna Raval |
David Caviness | Nichole Bentley | Jobby Mathew |