Identifying Children with Disabilities
Coppell ISD has ongoing public awareness efforts to identify and evaluate individuals birth through 21 years of age who may have a suspected disability and need special education services. These efforts include advertising the availability of services through media, public notices, staff training, and letters to private schools and physicians. Any person, birth to 21 years of age, suspected of having a disability and residing within Coppell ISD is entitled to an evaluation at no cost, whether or not the child is enrolled in public school. Contact 214-496-6955 for more information.
Students age 5 through 21 years who reside within Coppell ISD, but who attend private schools outside of the district's attendance zone, may be able to receive some services from the school district within which their private schools is located. Students age 5 through 21 years who reside in other districts but attend private school in Coppell may be able to receive some services through Coppell ISD. Contact 214-496-6955 for more information.