Grades 1-5 CBE for Acceleration
Without Prior Instruction
Grade acceleration ("skipping a grade") is available for enrolled Coppell ISD learners who wish to skip an entire grade level (i.e. a learner skipping from 2nd grade to 4th grade). Learners who participate in grade acceleration testing will test for mastery of math, science, social studies, and language arts material. With a change in law, effective 8/26/13, grade acceleration requires learners to score in the 80th percentile or higher on all four tests taken at the same time. The District will accelerate a Coppell ISD student currently enrolled in Kinder-4th grade if the Coppell ISD learner meets the following requirements:
The learner scores in the 80th percentile or above on a criterion-referenced test for the grade level to be skipped in each of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
A district representative recommends that the student be accelerated, and the learner’s parent or guardian gives written approval of the acceleration.
The learner scores in the 80th percentile per semester course to gain credit.
For full credit courses, a student shall score in the 80th percentile on both semester examinations to gain credit. If a student scores in the 80th percentile on only one semester of a full credit course, the student may not be placed in the next course level.
Regardless of the testing date for a CBE for acceleration, placement in a new course will only take place at the beginning of a school year, or the beginning of a semester for a semester course.
Credit by Exam assessments given during the school year will take place after school from 4:45 PM-7:45 PM. If taking two exams, the learner must be present two evenings. If taking one exam, the learner must be present on the first night of testing during the testing dates. Please see the district testing calendar for testing dates.
A Grade Level CBE consists of four assessments: Social Studies, Language Arts, Science, and Math. A learner must pass each subject exam with 80% or higher to continue testing. If a learner scores less than 80% on one of the subject area exams, the remaining exams will not be given.
To register for a CBE for acceleration, please contact your campus counselor
This document must be read by the parent prior to signing the CBE registration form.