Director of Secondary Literacy and Social Studies
English Language Arts
English language arts curriculum, instruction and assessment develop the critical thinking skills necessary for students to effectively consume and produce the written and spoken word. A successful language arts program thrives on the complete and constant integration of reading, writing, listening, and speaking within meaningful contexts. Therefore, students will acquire and continue to develop lifelong literacy skills crucial for personal success in a rapidly changing world.
The English language arts curriculum of Coppell ISD reflects the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and has been developed around the following guiding principles:
Language arts integrates reading, writing, speaking, listening, and research through a balanced literacy program.
Language arts embeds skills instruction in purposeful and meaningful learning.
Language arts emphasizes reading and writing as a process.
Language arts provides students rich, relevant, and authentic reading and writing experiences.
Language arts respects both students and teachers as readers and writers.
Language arts acknowledges the text demands of an ever-changing world through the study of a variety of genres and modes, both classical and contemporary.
Language arts vertical and horizontal alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment eliminates gaps and repetitions in order to deepen student understanding of concepts.

Maria McCoy

Sabrina Khan
Director of Elementary Literacy and Social Studies
Standards Based Report Cards - Rubrics
In an effort to provide parents a report card which gives specific information concerning what a child should know, understand and be able to do, the elementary report card is linked to state standards (TEKS). As we collectively and strategically plan to integrate 21st-century learning standards, it is imperative that effective methods be used to measure and report what students are learning. The standards-based report card is a tool to help accomplish these goals.