Coppell ISD Efficiency Review Committee Committee (CERC)

Coppell ISD formed a Coppell ISD Efficiency Review Committee (CERC) to review budget, operations, and facility efficiencies as part of our Coppell ISD Strategic Plan 2030 Objective 7. The Efficiency Review Committee will consist of parents, students, community members, and staff, who possess expertise in various areas such as finance, education, and data analysis.

The committee's charge includes serving in an advisory role to review data, and analyze options for efficiencies, with all decisions filtered through the district's core values. The committee will meet four times between January and April 2025. All meetings are from 6-7:30 pm in the Board Room of the Vonita White Administration Building located at 200 S. Denton Tap Rd in Coppell. 

Goals/Objectives of the Committee: Review, evaluate and provide feedback on district initiatives that have potential impact to students, staff and the district’s budget.

January 21, 2025 Meeting Presentation

February 27, 2025 Meeting Presentation