August 24, 2020
Action and Consent Items
The Board approved a Resolution adopting the budgets for 2020-2021 fiscal year; (General, Food Service, and Debt Service Funds) appropriating funds for each department, project, and account; and authorizing other matters related to the subject;
Trustees will vote to adopt the district's 2020-2021 tax rate at its Sept. 14 Board Workshop. The district has filed an appeal with TEA to recalculate the Maximum Compressed Rate based upon recently released certified property values. The Maximum Compressed Rate determines the Maintenance & Operations tax rate. The Interest & Sinking tax rate will be recalculated based upon the recently released certified values. Both tax rates are expected to be lower than presented at the Budget and Tax Rate Hearing.
The Board approved the adoption of the 2020-2021 District Improvement Plan;
The Board approved the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Policy Update 115 affecting (LOCAL) policies and changes to Board Policy: DEAB (LOCAL) Compensation Plan - Wage and Hours Laws.
Trustees approved nominating Trustee Tracy Fisher as the trustee and Trustee Nichole Bentley as the alternate to apply for a Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Advocacy Institute stipend; and
The Board also approved:
The 2019-2020 final budget amendments;
The Financial Report for July 31, 2020;
The Superintendent as Purchasing Agent for the Coppell Independent School District, Authorized Representative for all Federal programs including E-Rate and Child Nutrition, and Designated Custodian for the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund, bond fund, activity fund, all federal programs including E-Rate, all state programs, and all other school programs and activities not listed; and
The Purchasing Cooperative Fees paid by Coppell ISD.
The interlocal agreement with the City of Coppell for School Resource Officers
District Highlights
Several recent CISD achievements were highlighted at the meeting, including:
Community and local businesses supporting CISD employees
Welcoming New and Returning Employees and Professional Learning
CISD Convocation - Stronger Together
First Day of School Highlights
During the Awards portion of the meeting, Trustees recognized:
Lakeside, Richard J. Lee, Valley Ranch and Wilson Elementaries selected for TEPSA Student Leadership Awards
CISD Communications and Community Engagement TSPRA Awards
Discussion and Report items
Back to School Update
Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Angie Applegate, Chief Operations Officer Dr. Greg Axelson and Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services Kristen Streeter shared a Back to School Update. This update included
Campus PPE Video
Commitment Form Information
Community Engagement/Communication
Curriculum Update
Operations Update
Technology Update
Human Resources Update
Gifted and Talented/Advanced Academics Update
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Dr. Deana Dynis shared an update on Advanced Academics Performance and Participation, Gifted and Talented Services and Dual Credit.
Safety and Security
Coordinator of Safety and Security Rachael Freeman shared Region 10 Safety and Security Audit
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Cyberbullying Awareness
Executive Director of Technology Stephen McGilvray gave an update on the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Cyberbullying Awareness.
Board of Trustees Discussion and Report Items
Trustee David Caviness shared an update on the Re-opening Task Force Committee. Trustee Anthony Hill updated on Safety and Security Design Committee and North Texas Area Association of School Boards (NTAASB) and Trustee Tracy Fisher gave a Legislative Update.
2019 - 2020 Board of Trustees
Leigh Walker
Place 1
Manish Sethi
Place 2
Anthony Hill
Place 3
Thom Hulme
Place 4
David Caviness
Place 5
Nichole Bentley
Place 6
Tracy Fisher
Place 7