April 26, 2021

Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees meetings.

Action and Consent Items

The Board approved the following: Instructional Materials Allotment funds as presented and not exceeding the amount of $2,000,000 to support in the area of curriculum and instruction resources for campuses for the 2021-2022 school year; and

Trustees approved the Budget Amendments for April 2021 and the Financial Report for March 2021.

Awards & Highlights

District Highlights
Several recent CISD achievements were highlighted at the meeting, including:

  • Coppell Realtor Breakfast;

  • Spotlight on Student Service;

  • Fine Arts Performances and Exhibit;s

  • Campus Board Walks; and

  • CMS North Finalist in National Recycling Contest.

District Awards
During the Awards portion of the meeting, Trustees recognized:

  • Coppell Debate State Champions;

  • CMS East Among Winners of TASB Student Video Contest; 

  • Spring Great Employees Matter; and

  • Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt Receiving the 2021 Communication Technology Award for Superintendents.

Discussion and Report Items

2021-2022 Enrollment Projections and Demographer's Report
Bob Templeton of Templeton Demographics and Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services Kristen Streeters shared an update on enrollment projections and the impact on the district. 

Strategic Design Update
Executive Director of Communications and Community Engagement Angela Brown and Assistant Principal of CMS West Josh Howard shared a Strategic Design Update, including an update of the recent Advocacy Day that included a video. 

2021-2022 Budget Process
Chief Financial Officer Diana Sircar shared an update on the budget process, including enrollment and Average Daily Attendance updates, property value growth, an update on the legislative process, a summary of revenue and expenditure opportunities, additional budget updates including a summary of the April 12, and the schedule of future workshops, including the next Budget Board Workshop on May 10, which will include the first draft of the 2021-2022 Budget.  

Board of Trustees Discussion and Report Items

Board President Nichole Bentley shared the Continuing Education Credit Report
Under Senate Bill 1566, Texas Education Code - Section 11.159, the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held before an election of trustees must reflect whether each trustee has met or is deficient in meeting the training required for the trustee as of the first anniversary of the date of the trustee's election or appointment. 

Board President Bentley also shared a recap of the April 12 Board Workshop. Trustee Dr. Neena Biswas shared an update on the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC). Trustee Tracy Fisher gave a Legislative update. Trustee Leigh Walker shared an update on the Bond Oversight Committee. Trustee Anthony Hill shared updates on National School Board Association (NSBA) Virtual Conference, TASB Risk Management Fund Strategic Planning & Quarterly Meeting, NTAASB Meeting, Metrocrest Services Keyholder Breakfast, Coppell Chamber Education Committee and the Strategic Design Advocacy Committee.

Board of Trustees

Leigh Walker

Manish Sethi

Anthony Hill

Dr. Neena Biswas

David Caviness

Tracy Fisher

Nichole Bentley