April 24, 2023
Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees Special and Regular Board meetings. Visit www.coppellisd.com/Board for a complete list of agenda items, presentations, meeting minutes and video of the meeting.
District Highlights/Awards
District Highlights
Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt shared the following district highlights at the meeting:
Upcoming Fentanyl Prevention Presentations
CISD to Launch Early Onboarding of STEAM at All Elementary Schools for Upcoming School Year
CHS Students Visit McLaren
Student iLead Update
Thanking CISD Volunteers
Cowboy Theatre Senior Showcase
Lariette Spring Show
Senior vs. Senior Cornhole Tournament
I Heart CISD
Board Awards
CISD Trustees recognized the Spring 2023 GEMs (Great Employees Who Matter):
Colleen Michaelis, PE Teacher at Pinkerton Elementary
Anthony Saldana, Security Guard at Coppell High School
Eric Hanson, Music Teacher at Wilson Elementary
Denton Creek Elementary Structured Learning Team: Beth Reynolds, Alexis Cleare, Sara Sulthana Saifudeen, Sai Shubhangi Yammanoor Balaji and Kameshwari Telikicharla
Accounts Payable Team: Sylvia Perez, Jennifer Drake and Tiffany Do
Action and Consent Items
Trustees approved Low Attendance Waivers to TEA due to illness;
The Board approved the Texas Association of School Boards Policy Update affecting (LOCAL) policies:
VIII.C.I. AE (LOCAL): Educational Philosophy (revise policy)
VIII.C.II. BBB (LOCAL): Board Members - Elections (revise policy)
VIII.C.III. BE (LOCAL): Board Meetings (revise policy)
VIII.C.IV. BJB (LOCAL): Superintendent - Recruitment and Appointment (delete policy)
VIII.C.V. BQ (LOCAL): Planning and Decision-Making Process (revise policy)
VIII.C.VI. BQA (LOCAL): Planning and Decision-Making Process - District Level (revise policy)
VIII.C.VII. BQB (LOCAL): Planning and Decision-Making Process - Campus Level (revise policy)
VIII.C.VIII. CDC (LOCAL): Other Revenues - Gifts and Solicitations (revise policy)
VIII.C.IX. CE (LOCAL): Annual Operating Budget (revise policy)
VIII.C.X. CFD (LOCAL): Accounting - Activity Funds Management (revise policy)
VIII.C.XI. CH (LOCAL): Purchasing and Acquisition (revise policy)
VIII.C.XII. CMB (LOCAL): Equipment and Supplies Management - Authorized Uses of Equipment and Supplies (delete policy)
VIII.C.XIII. DBA (LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records (revise policy)
VIII.C.XIV. DCA (LOCAL): Employment Practices - Probationary Contracts (delete policy)
VIII.C.XV. DCB (LOCAL): Employment Practices - Term Contracts (revise policy)
VIII.C.XVI. DEAB (LOCAL): Compensation Plan - Wage and Hour Laws (revise policy)
VIII.C.XVII. DEC (LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences (revise policy)
VIII.C.XVIII. DED (LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits - Vacations and Holidays (add policy)
VIII.C.XIX. DEE (LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits - Expense Reimbursement (revise policy)
VIII.C.XX. DK (LOCAL): Assignment and Schedules (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXI. DNA (LOCAL): Performance Appraisal - Evaluation of Teachers (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXII. DPB (LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, and Part-Time (delete policy)
VIII.C.XXIII. EHAD (LOCAL): Basic Instructional Program - Elective Instruction (add policy)
VIII.C.XXIV. EIC (LOCAL): Academic Achievement - Class Ranking (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXV. FD (LOCAL): Admissions (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXVI. FDA (LOCAL): Admissions - Interdistrict Transfers (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXVII. FDB (LOCAL): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXVIII. FEC (LOCAL):Attendance - Attendance for Credit (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXIX. FFA (LOCAL): Student Welfare - Wellness and Health Services (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXX. FL (LOCAL): Student Records (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXI. FM (LOCAL): Student Activities (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXII. FMG (LOCAL): Student Activities - Travel (delete policy)
VIII.C.XXXIII. FNA (LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Expression (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXIV. FNAA (LOCAL): Student Expression - Distribution of NonSchool Literature (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXV. FNCE (LOCAL): Student Conduct - Personal Telecommunications/Electronic Devices (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXVI. FNG (LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXVII. FO (LOCAL): Student Discipline (revise policy)
VIII.C.XXXVIII. GBBA (LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations (delete policy)
VIII.C.XXXIX. GKD (LOCAL): Community Relations - NonSchool Use of School Facilities (revise policy)
VIII.C.XL. GKDA (LOCAL): NonSchool Use of Facilities - Distribution of NonSchool Literature (revise policy)
As part of the Consent Agenda, the Board approved:
Visit www.coppellisd.com/Page/8423 for a complete list of action and consent items.
Discussion and Report Items
Superintendent Discussion and Report Items
Dallas College Partnership with CISD
Dallas College Trustee Philip Ritter and Chancellor Justin Lonon shared an update on the district’s partnership with Dallas College.
Board Report Items
Board President David Caviness shared the Continuing Education Credit Report for Trustees. Board Vice President Anthony Hill shared an update on the District Education Improvement Committee (DEIC), Coppell Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, and North Texas Area Association of School Boards (NTAASB). Trustee Manish Sethi shared an update on the Coppell ISD Education Foundation.
Board of Trustees
Leigh Walker | Manish Sethi | Anthony Hill | Ranna Raval |
David Caviness | Nichole Bentley | Jobby Mathew |