April 12, 2021 (Workshop)

Coppell ISD Board Briefs are highlights of select items from the CISD Board of Trustees meetings.

Strategic Design — Visioning Committee Update

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Angie Applegate shared an update on the CISD Visioning Committee’s work. Dr. Applegate shared about the Visioning Committee's purpose, goals and an update on what has occurred during the group’s four meetings. She also informed the Board of Trustees of the Visioning Committee’s next steps, which include the fifth meeting on April 16, prioritizing the committee’s priorities and identifying pros and cons, aligning these priorities with existing plans — including the District Improvement Plan, Strategic Design and the CISD Community-Based Accountability System (CBAS) — and finalizing and making recommendations to the CISD Executive Leadership Team and the CISD Board of Trustees. Opportunities for community input on these future suggestions also were discussed.

2021-2022 Budget

Chief Financial Officer Diana Sircar, Executive Director of Communications and Community Engagement Angela Brown and Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services Kristen Streeter shared an update on the 2021-2022 Budget process. Diana Sircar shared about the budget process so far, including work done so far, budget projections and an update on state and federal funding. She also gave information on revenue opportunities and expenditure reductions, shared how payroll is the district’s largest expenditure at 81 percent (after recapture is paid to the state) and provided perspective on the past five years budget vs. actual expenditures. Angela Brown shared about the I Heart CISD marketing campaign to enroll and retain students, which includes digital advertising on social media and Google, as well as an electronic Billboard on I35 near 121 and Frankford and another billboard at Cypress Waters. The current Kindergarten enrollment was shared, as well as testimonials from our community and future plans for the campaign. Kristen Streeter gave details about staffing efficiencies and how through conservative staffing, the district expects to save about $ 1 million. Diana Sircar then shared about future meetings discussing the Budget, including the first presentation of the proposed budget at the May 10 Workshop at 5:30 p.m. 

Board of Trustees

Leigh Walker

Manish Sethi

Anthony Hill

Dr. Neena Biswas

David Caviness

Tracy Fisher

Nichole Bentley