2023 Bond Steering Committee
The CISD Bond Steering Committee is a group of parents, students, staff and community members that will collaboratively develop a long-range plan for district facilities, technology and other eligible bond items. The committee will serve in an advisory role to assist district staff and the Board of Trustees to assess and prioritize district needs. The committee will develop a comprehensive master plan recommendation based upon the district’s mission and core values to be presented to the Board of Trustees for a potential May 2023 bond program.
The committee will consist of students, parents, future parents, staff and community members of CISD. The district will seek to have representation from campuses, municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, and special CISD programs. The committee will be composed of members from the various geographical regions of the school district at large. The Committee shall represent all current and future students, school campuses and all taxpayers within the boundaries of the Coppell ISD. The bond committee is a group of volunteers assessing the current facility needs of the District, and will present those needs to the Board of Trustees for the Board’s consideration of a potential bond election. This is solely an advisory group representing a cross-section of our community with no authority to make final decisions, nor is their charge designed to make changes to our budget process to operate schools. The meetings of the bond planning committee do not meet the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act and are closed to the public.