GPA & Class Rank
CISD CLASS RANKING AND GPA POLICY for Class of 2025 and beyond
The § symbol is used to denote classes that count for RIC (2025 & beyond)
Coppell High School ranks only the top 10% of the class.
Junior GPA and class rank are updated in June and January after semester grades are posted.
Senior GPA and class rank are updated in June and October to reflect summer grades and changes in enrollment and January after semester grades are posted.
Final class rank of the top 10% of the graduating class will be calculated at the end of the Fall semester of the senior year. However, a learner’s GPA continues through the end of their senior year.
Students with 5 or more Pass/Fall grades transferred into their High School transcript will not be ranked.
Beginning with the graduating class of 2025, Rank-in-Class GPA will be calculated as follows:
Rank-in-Class GPA will be calculated based on the semester grades earned in specific high school credit courses, regardless of the grade in which they are taken. The included courses are listed in the next column.