Schedule Change Practices
Coppell High School is pleased to be able to offer a wide variety of programs and courses for our learners. Selections during registration determine how many teachers and sections will be needed for a course. The Master Schedule is developed in the spring prior to the upcoming year. The process allows administrators to plan and hire for optimum academic strength. When learners are permitted to randomly change schedules, teachers and classrooms are not effectively utilized. As a result, all learners are affected, and even the most effective planning is compromised. Very seldom does a single course-change affect only one course. Careful selections benefit everyone. Thank you for being a crucial part of our educational team as we work together for student success.
Parent and learner informational meeting will be held during the Spring Open House.
Learners will be guided through course selection with their counselor to confirm course selection.
Learners who do not submit Course Requests will have a schedule arranged for them by their counselor according to their academic needs and/or graduation plan.
Schedule changes will be allowed within the guideline and timeframes below.
Schedule Change Guidelines & Important Dates
December 16th - 19th - Level Down and/or Drop Window: End of the First Semester
Level Down - At the end of the first semester, requests to level down will be considered only if space is available in the new class priority is given to students with a Semester grade below a 75%. Learners must complete and submit CHS Level Change Form. The grade earned in the current class will be the final grade for first semester. Requests for same level moves will not be taken, such as a move from Honors to G/T Honors, IB to AP, teacher change requests or changing from one class to another.
Dropping a Course - At the end of the first semester juniors and seniors may choose to drop a course and add a release period. (2 release periods max). Students with employment outside of school may also drop for PRACTICUM ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
All courses a learner attempts for the full semester will be posted on the official transcript.