Course Levels & Scheduling Guidelines
Course Levels
Our philosophy is to provide learners with access to flexible course offerings and innovative programs to meet the diverse needs of the learners in the Coppell Independent School District in the information-rich environment of the 21st century. Several course alternatives will be offered to assist learners in gaining credit toward high school graduation.
Scheduling Guidelines
Students build a schedule for an 8 period day. Below are guidelines to consider.
Release Periods: Early Release or Late Arrival requested by 11th & 12th grade ONLY. Juniors & Seniors may have up to 2 release periods if they are in good standing and on track for graduation.
Release periods are only available the first or last period of the day.
Learners may only have ONE release period per day.
Release periods are not guaranteed and are requested
Morning and afternoon releases are determined by the student's schedule and class availability.
Double Blocked Classes: Courses listed as double blocked or two periods in the course list must be scheduled as 2 periods. Taking only one class period is not an option.