Photo of Brad Hunt

June 10, 2024

Dear CISD Community, 

I hope everyone’s summer is off to a great start. As promised, I will continue to share updates after the Budget Workshops as part of our commitment to transparency and engagement throughout our budget planning process, as we work together to address our financial challenges.  The Board Briefs summaries are also posted to the district website after workshops and meetings and are shared in the Informed newsletter. 

During tonight’s Workshop, Trustees approved the Facility Evaluation Tool to address facility/building/land utilization and efficiency due to declining enrollment and budget concerns.  The next steps are for a Facilities Evaluation Team to gather the data requested and use the Facility Evaluation Tool to rate the district facilities and properties. Once the evaluation has been completed, the Evaluation Team and district staff will use the Impact Decision Filter to assess the proposed recommendations and make any necessary adjustments before they are presented to the School Board as part of the Budget Timeline

During tonight’s workshop, Trustees also heard updates and discussed the following topics:

Trustees heard updates on current 2023 Bond Projects, including how the recent storms are delaying construction and the status of the projects at Valley Ranch, Mockingbird, Wilson and CHS, which includes the Tennis Center additions and renovations. The Board also discussed the design development and timeline for Phase Two of the 2023 Bond Projects. Trustees approved a resolution that temporarily delays Phase Two elementary bond projects until a decision is made regarding the possible consolidation of elementary schools.

The CISD Board approved an amended version of the Coppell ISD’s Legislative Advocacy Resolutions for the Texas Association of School Boards Consideration for the TASB 2024-2026 Advocacy Agenda with an addition of a bullet about transparency.

You can review tonight’s presentation at, the Board Briefs at and the video from tonight’s Workshop, which should be available in the morning, at

Details on our budget and budget planning process are available at We also have a Frequently Asked Questions page on the budget available at As a reminder, the community can share budget questions or feedback via email at

I would like to remind our community again, that all Board Workshops and Board Meetings held during June and July will be in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room at Coppell Middle School West for anyone who would like to attend in person.  The board room at the Vonita White Administration Building will be closed for those two months for a refresh that is part of the voter-approved 2023 Bond. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our district. 


Dr. Brad Hunt


Coppell Independent School District