CHS9 Course Guide

Graduation Plans & Endorsements

All students in the State of Texas begin their high school career on the Foundation High School Plan with an Endorsement (Distinguished Level of Achievement).  After a learner’s sophomore year, and based on one’s individual instructional plan, the learner can elect to graduate on the Foundation High School Plan. There are considerations for post-secondary enrollment which need to be discussed with the learner and one’s parents prior to making that change. Learners who are considering this change will need to discuss it with their counselor. 

Subject Area

  FHSP+Endorsement with Distinguished level of Achievement (26 credits)

Foundation High School Program (22 credits)


4 Credits

  • English I

  • English II

  • English III

  • English IV

4 Credits

  • English I

  • English II

  • English III

  • English IV 


4 Credits

  • Algebra I

  • Geometry

  • Algebra II

  • 4th Credit of Math *

(*If Math Models is taken, the class must be completed after Algebra I and prior to Algebra II)

3 Credits

  • Algebra I

  • Geometry

  • 3rd Credit of Math*

(*If Math Models is taken, the class must be completed after Algebra I)


4 Credits

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • Additional science credit selected from the course guide.

3 Credits

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

Social Studies

4 Credits 

  • World Geography

  • World History

  • US History

  • Government / Economics or PFL Econ

3 Credits

  • World History or World Geography

  • US History

  • Government / Economics  or PFL Econ

Fine Art

1 Fine Art Credit

1 Fine Art Credit

Foreign Language

2 Credits from the Same Language

2 Credits from the Same Language 

Physical Education

1 Physical Education Credit

1 Physical Education Credit

Additional Courses

6.0 credits (see course guide)

5.0 credits (see course guide)


26 Credits

22 Credits

Distinguished Level of Achievement

The Distinguished Level of Achievement will be a designation on the final transcript and diploma. A learner must earn the Distinguished Level of Achievement in order to be eligible for automatic top 10% admission to Texas universities. A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: 

● A total of four credits in mathematics (must include Algebra II) 

● A total of four credits in science 

● The remaining curriculum requirements 

● The curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement

Foundation Plan + Completion of One Endorsement = Distinguished Level of Achievement