Message from the Superintendent: Budget Update and Tonight’s Budget Community Dialogue

September 23, 2024

Dear Coppell ISD Community, 

As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, I want to share this information on the September 23 Board Workshop with you, where Trustees received updates and discussed the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program, current and future enrollment projections, and the process used to develop the consolidation recommendations.

Dual Language Immersion Program: The Board received information regarding the trends in the Emergent Bilingual population, including the number of languages spoken by students, as well as the specific language percentages for these learners. In addition, Trustees were presented with the DLI program enrollment trend and enrollment numbers at Denton Creek Elementary and Wilson Elementary, as well as what the enrollment numbers for a combined DLI program might be if the program is consolidated. In addition, a breakdown of the zoned DLI students at Wilson and Denton Creek was shared, as well as the projected enrollment of economically disadvantaged students with the consolidation options.  Additional information about Title I funding was also presented. Students enrolled in CISD determine the district’s overall Title I funding no matter the campus they attend. 

Enrollment Projections: Trustees received an update on enrollment projections, which show a decline in elementary school enrollment over the next four years. CISD anticipates a decrease of 556 elementary students by the 2027-2028 school year. Declining enrollment trends require us to adjust, including reviewing school zone boundaries and consolidation options, to ensure we maintain staffing and resources at optimal levels. These projections will be updated later this fall when the CISD demographer presents to the Board of Trustees. 

Process Used to Develop Consolidation Options: The consolidation option recommendations were previously shared with the Board and community. A review of this information and additional clarifying details were provided to help the community better understand the recommendation process.  The recommendations are the result of a collaborative and thorough process involving various stakeholders as part of the Coppell ISD 2030 Strategic Plan under Objective 7 and Strategy 7.1. 

Objective 7 — Determine a long-term properties plan taking into account the age of facilities, available space, current and projected enrollment and program needs. 

7.1 Strategy — Implement an evaluation process and a prioritization matrix to assess current and future expenditures. 

7.1.1 Specific Result — Develop an evaluation process that promotes more efficient facility and property management, cost savings, improved learning environments, transparency, data-driven decision-making, and long-term sustainability in property management by prioritizing expenditures and addressing long-term needs. 

Last spring, a Rubric Development Committee, composed of parents, community members, and staff, worked to develop a rubric and a decision filter.  Trustees announced a timeline on May 13 and approved the rubric and decision filter on June 10. 

The district then set to compile the large amounts of data that the implementation team requested in order to complete the rubric. In June, an evaluation team was established to objectively examine the volumes of data and score the objective rubric portion. Once the rubric was scored, the data and the rubric were then given to the CISD Cabinet to use the decision filter and examine the rubric results, data and develop recommendations based on quantitative and qualitative data. The rubric provided half of the decision for a recommendation and the decision filter was the other portion and served as a lens to view all campuses, facilities and the recommended options through. Between June and August, the Cabinet thoughtfully reviewed the data and the decision filter, examining the data and the recommendations that arose from those discussions. 

As always, I encourage you to stay informed by watching the video of the workshop available at The full presentation is available online at For a deeper understanding of our budget challenges, as well as access to all previous communications, presentations, and a Frequently Asked Questions document, please visit We also welcome your feedback and questions at

Trustees are set to make their decision at the Monday, September 30 Board Meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. 


Dr. Brad Hunt
Superintendent, Coppell ISD