As a part of the $321 million 2023 Bond Program approved by CISD voters, CISD is set to offer investors $70 million in Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2025, on Feb. 26, 2025. Priority will be given to orders submitted by residents and businesses located within the district. The settlement date is expected to be on or around March 25, 2025. These bonds will help fund key projects across the district, supporting facilities and infrastructure improvements. Investors interested in obtaining the Preliminary Official Statement or placing an order can contact the underwriting firms listed in the attached advertisement. For more details, please refer to the official bond offering announcement below.
The 2025 Series bond issue will provide funds to finish projects included in the 2023 Series as well as funds for the following projects:
PROP A: Interior Refresh at Town Center Elementary & Denton Creek Elementary; Lakeside Elementary renovation; Coppell Middle School North interior refresh, turf and track lifecycle replacement; Coppell High School Fine Arts Rehearsal building; Coppell High School gym floor replacement; CTE improvements at Coppell High School; site improvements including concrete, track resurfacing at schools; Coppell High School roof replacement; classroom and office furniture at schools and buildings; band instruments and uniforms; library books; lifecycle replacements of HVAC systems, white fleet vehicles, buses, and kitchen equipment; Coppell High School 9th grade campus auditorium renovation; safety and security features including fire alarm replacements; fencing, door hardware
Prop B: Technology upgrades and lifecycle replacements; wireless access; audiovisual equipment; network access control; network detection and response; network cabling; sound systems; timeclock system; network switches; fiber, public address systems;
Prop D: Coppell High School Field house indoor turf and improvements, Tennis Center improvements, and locker room addition.