Photo of Pinkerton Student with Rocks

On Feb. 13, 5th graders at Pinkerton Elementary “rocked” their science lesson under the leadership of teacher Tracey Kling. With Jolly Ranchers in hand, they chanted their way through the sedimentary rock cycle: "Weathering breaks it, Erosion takes it, Deposition drops it, Compaction stacks it and Cementation glues it!" After explaining each step, the students crushed (weathered) their candies in a mason jar, moved (eroded) the pieces, layered (deposited) them, and pressed (compacted) them together using white paper cups. Now, their sugary "rocks" are cementing, solidifying their learning — both literally and figuratively. These candy-based creations will be ready for students on Tuesday, proving that this science lesson at Pinkerton is as solid as a rock.