On Feb. 13, 5th graders at Pinkerton Elementary “rocked” their science lesson under the leadership of teacher Tracey Kling. With Jolly Ranchers in hand, they chanted their way through the sedimentary rock cycle: "Weathering breaks it, Erosion takes it, Deposition drops it, Compaction stacks it and Cementation glues it!" After explaining each step, the students crushed (weathered) their candies in a mason jar, moved (eroded) the pieces, layered (deposited) them, and pressed (compacted) them together using white paper cups. Now, their sugary "rocks" are cementing, solidifying their learning — both literally and figuratively. These candy-based creations will be ready for students on Tuesday, proving that this science lesson at Pinkerton is as solid as a rock.

School Spotlight: Pinkerton Elementary
February 19, 2025