February 4, 2025
Dear Coppell ISD Community,
During last night’s (Feb. 3, 2025) Board Workshop, CISD Trustees approved a modified boundary realignment for the 25-26 school year impacting students at Pinkerton, Wilson, Denton Creek and Austin Elementary. These changes were approved due to the consolidation of both Pinkerton Elementary to Wilson Elementary and the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program from Wilson Elementary to Denton Creek Elementary.
The boundary realignment plan approved impacts approximately 497 students through the following:
Moving 150 IB Choice students from Pinkerton and 141 zoned students from Pinkerton to Wilson Elementary and then to CMS North;
Moving 38 students zoned to Pinkerton to Austin Elementary; and
Moving 168 Wilson Dual Language Immersion students from Wilson to Denton Creek Elementary.
The realignment also returns the Cypress Water apartments that were moved to Cottonwood Creek Elementary for 24-25 back to Richard J. Lee Elementary for the 25-26 school year.
This modified boundary realignment proposal, referred to as “Scenario 2," was recommended by CISD leadership to minimize disruption to our elementary and middle school students based on community feedback. It also allows for the possibility that the district may consolidate another elementary school in the future.
The middle school feeder patterns have not changed as a result of this boundary realignment and remain as follows:
CMS East — Austin (with the newly zoned Pinkerton students), Mockingbird and Lakeside Elementary Schools
CMS North — Cottonwood Creek, Denton Creek, Town Center* and Wilson Elementary Schools (with the newly zoned Pinkerton students now at Wilson Elementary)
CMS West — Canyon Ranch, Richard J. Lee and Valley Ranch Elementary Schools
*Students from the Townlake Apartment Complex at 215 N. Moore Road attend Town Center Elementary and feed into Coppell Middle School East.
Families at the schools impacted by this boundary realignment will receive additional communication from the district and information about the transfer application process, which is also available at www.coppellisd.com/transfer.
If you have any questions, please email input@coppellisd.com.
Dr. Brad Hunt