Physical Education

We want to welcome y'all back for the 2020-2021 school year. You can check back here and individual PE teacher schoology pages for periodic updates and announcements. We hope throughout the year our students will learn how important Physical Education is to living a healthy and happy life.
Information and Expectations for PE can be found in the Physical Education Information tab on the left side of this page. There you will find uniform information, grading policies, weather policies, technology policies, and parent/doctor's note policies as well as other important information.
You can meet our team and find our contact information below. You can find more information about each of us specifically by visiting our individual websites in the staff directory.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of us and we will do our best to get you the information you need!
Dress Code - ALL learners are required to wear our PE uniform. This includes the grey shirt and black shorts. Names must be written on both items.
Grading - Each week, learners will be given 3 grades as follows:
Summative Test (45%) - learners performed test level activities (timed mile, quizzes...etc.)
Participation (40%) - learners participated to the best of their ability
Sportsmanship/Warm Up (15%) - learners had a good attitude and correctly performed our daily warm up and dress out procedure.
Learner’s will never be asked to participate in something that will get them injured or they are incapable of doing. If there are concerns about certain activities, please do not hesitate to email us.
NO OPEN FOOD PRODUCTS OR SUGARY DRINKS are allowed in the gym areas. These items need to be stored in lunch boxes or backpacks. WATER is the only acceptable beverage allowed in the gym.
ALL learners will be assigned their own locker with their own combination. It is the learner's responsibility to keep up with and protect this information. Lockers should be used for clothes and valuable items in order to keep them safe. Coaches are not responsible for lost items.
Each locker room will have a designated LOST & FOUND location. Please be aware that it may take a few days for items to show up if they are lost.
Backpacks will NOT be allowed in the locker rooms. learners will leave backpacks in the hallway. If you are worried that something of value might be stolen, that item needs to be locked in a locker.
Photography/Videography of any kind is NOT ALLOWED in the locker rooms. A coach will confiscate the device and it will be available for pick up in the front office at the end of the day. If further action needs to be taken, we will notify the appropriate Assistant Principal.
Please report to a coach immediately if any of the following occurs:
Personal items are stolen or damaged by another learner
Photography/Videography in the locker room
Bullying in the locker room
Damage/Leaks/Spills in the locker room or gym areas
CISD’s weather policy can be found HERE.
Learner’s safety is our top priority!! We will always monitor weather conditions and make changes to our activity as needed.
Please bring appropriate attire according to the weather. Learners will be reminded of this all the time. It is important for the learner’s safety that they dress appropriately for outdoor activities.
Restrooms/Water are available during outdoor activities. learners will be allowed water when they need it while inside or outside.
We encourage all learners to bring water with them to PE, especially when we go outside on hot days!
We encourage learners to put their names on their water bottles so they don’t get mixed up.
If a learner has a medical condition that will limit outdoor participation, we need an up-to-date doctor’s note with that information. We may contact you if the doctor’s note does not give us sufficient information.
Parent Notes - Parent Notes excuse a learner from participation for a MAXIMUM of 2 days. On day 3, we expect a doctor’s note or the learner to continue participation.
We do not accept more than ONE parent note per injury/illness.
Doctor’s Notes - A doctor’s note is needed if a learner needs to be out of PE for longer than 2 days due to injury or illness. Doctor’s notes should have a CLEAR END DATE for resuming participation.
We accept multiple doctor’s notes per injury if complications arise and the learner needs to be excused longer than anticipated.
The gym area is now a TECHNOLOGY FREE zone.
Unless otherwise told by a coach on specific days, no technology is allowed in any area at any time.
When technology is allowed, it is expected to be used responsibly.
If we find any student in violation of using technology inappropriately, it will be confiscated.