The CMS West Quiz Bowl team has earned a spot in the National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) National Championship after tying for third place in the Texas Quiz Bowl Alliance online Jamboree on Sept. 21. The team finished with a strong 7-2 record, ranking them above Beckendorff A and Bell Middle School and tying with Challenger-Ardenwood B. The starting lineup — Rohit Raja (8th grade), Aadya Shukla (7th grade), Nitin Keshavan (8th grade) and Rohan Velma (8th grade) — continued to impress, placing as runners-up with a 9-1 record in the Championship Division of the Greenhill Tournament on Oct. 5 after a close match against Greenhill’s experienced team. As they prepare for Nationals in May, the team plans to ramp up practice difficulty, compete in additional tournaments, and scrimmage with experienced teams in the DFW area.

CMS West Quiz Bowl Team Qualifies for NAQT National Championships
November 6, 2024