Schedule Change Practices
Selections during registration determine how many teachers and sections will be needed for a course. The Master Schedule is developed in the spring prior to the upcoming year. The process allows administrators to plan and hire for optimum academic strength. When learners are permitted to randomly change schedules, teachers and classrooms are not effectively utilized. As a result, all learners are affected, and even the most effective planning is compromised. Very seldom does a single course-change affect only one course. Careful selections benefit everyone. Thank you for being a crucial part of our educational team as we work together for student success.
Schedule changes are made only under the conditions listed below:
Learners can request schedule changes before school starts, but changes depend on the master schedule and elective availability. Requests are considered, but not guaranteed, and learners may receive their 2nd or 3rd elective choices. See your child's counselor for questions.
CMS North Counselors
Jennifer Parker (Last Names: A-K), 214-496-7712, jparker@coppellisd.com
Kinsey McConnell (Last Names: L-Z), 214-496-7718, kmcconnell@coppellisd.com