Middle School Grading Policy
6th-8th Grade Policies
Academic Integrity:
Academic dishonesty, including cheating, copying, sharing work, plagiarism, unauthorized AI use, and unauthorized communication during exams, is prohibited. (See CISD Student Code of Conduct 2025-2026)
Middle School Grading Practices:
Performance Tasks: 55%; required # of assignments=4
A performance task is any activity or assessment where students demonstrate their knowledge and skills. These tasks result in a tangible product or performance as evidence of learning. They can include small activities, steps of larger assignments, participation in group work, daily or weekly checks, exit tickets, and certain lab or project reports.
Summative Assessments: 45%; required # of assignments=2
Used to evaluate student learning and achievement at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, or school year.
Reassessment Practice:
Learners scoring below 70 on Summative Assessments can reassess for up to 70% after attending required interventions.
Other assignments do not require reassessment but should provide opportunities to show learning. Zeros are a last resort after all strategies are exhausted, with parent notification required.
Late Work:
1 day late: 10 points off
2 days late: 20 points off
3 days late: 30 points off
More than 3 days late: Can be submitted until the next progress report/3-week mark, then becomes a zero.
Extended Absences:
Grade of 70 for missed assignments/summatives when leaving early for the semester.
Grade of 50 for high school credit courses missed assignments/summatives when leaving early for the semester.
No fall or spring final exams for grades 6-8. Summative assessments will be part of the 2nd and 4th nine-week grades and are not eligible for reassessment.
Digital Parent Information
Use the following links to access Home Access Center and Schoology for your child's assignments and grades. Please see the Parent Hub if you have not set up a parent account.
Parents and learners may view grades through the Home Access Center (HAC). This tool provides unofficial grading information. Learners’ official grades are reported at the end of each nine weeks.
UIL Eligibility
Eligibility for many of these activities is governed by state law and the rules of the University Interscholastic League (UIL), a statewide association overseeing interdistrict competition. If a student is involved in an academic, athletic, or music activity governed by UIL, the student and parent are expected to know and follow all rules of the UIL organization. Students and parents can access the UIL Parent Information Manual (https://www.uiltexas.org/athletics/manuals) online. A hard copy can be provided by the coach or sponsor of the activity on request.