Take your time and make good decisions when you choose your courses. You can always change your pathway or cluster. Part of being a high school learner is exploring options. This section intends to give you some ideas to consider as you begin your journey toward a productive and fulfilling life.

College & Career Exploration
Coppell ISD’s Career and College Exploration course is designed to meet the requirements of HB18 by providing seventh grade learners the opportunity to explore their personal passions, complete career interest inventories, and research colleges of their choice. Career and College Exploration emphasizes information literacy, professional communication, with a variety of audiences, and personal advocacy at school and home.
Additionally, learners are guided in the use of Major Clarity, a district-purchased tool for 6th-12th graders, which supports the objectives of Career and College Exploration and has increased functionality in high school. Upon the completion of the course, learners will be prepared to declare their endorsement before entering high school (as required by HB5), and will be informed of the courses offered at the middle school level for high school credit which may impact learners’ 8th grade course selections and subsequent 4 year plans.
Note: This course is required for all 7th grade learners and is paired with Professional Communication in the opposite semester. Students receive 0.5 credit, level 1 course.