Grading, UIL & Distance Learning
Distance Learning
Course Offerings
Our philosophy is to provide learners with access to flexible course offerings and innovative programs to meet the diverse needs of the learners in the Coppell Independent School District in the information-rich environment of the 21st century. Several course alternatives will be offered to assist learners in gaining credit toward high school graduation. Learners are required to discuss options with their counselor prior to signing up for the following:
Distance Learning (also known as “correspondence courses”) can be taken print-based or online, if offered.
Distance Learning must be from a Texas Education Agency (TEA) approved site.
Internet Courses - include Virtual School courses or online courses.
Distance Learning will only be paid for by Coppell ISD when the class is needed for graduation and is not available to fit in the students schedule.
Registration & Due Dates: Registration for distance learning courses that are NOT paid for by Coppell ISD are the learners responsibility. To ensure a schedule change course transcripts must be submitted by August 8th @ 4pm.
Credit By Exams (CBE)
Students have access to Credit By Exams, this is an opportunity for learners to earn credit for a course by demonstrating mastery of the course objectives on an exam.
Credit is earned by the semester; thus, learners must take a separate exam for each semester of a two-semester course.
In order to earn credit learners must score an 80 or above on the exam.
CBE grades will appear on the learner’s transcript with credit earned and will count toward the learner’s GPA at a level 2.
CBEs for Languages Other Than English (foreign languages) will count as a Level 3 credit for the classes of 2025 and beyond for the first two years of credit only.
By taking a LOTE CBE, the score for Year One will be entered on the learner’s transcript.
CISD offers this testing each year. Applications are available online. Registration deadlines are strictly enforced. Learners may contact the Director of Assessment at 214-496-7020 for more information or go to the following link http://www.coppellisd.com/Page/523
CBE credit must be completed and scored one week prior to the semester in which the course would have been taken.