Release Period Information

Release Periods: Release periods are an opportunity for a student to have a free class period. Early Release or Late Arrival requested by 11th & 12th grade ONLY. Juniors & Seniors may have up to 2 release periods if they are in good standing and on track for graduation.

  • Students must be in good academic standing with the appropriate number of credits for each grade level.

    • On track with required credits (26 credits) following your personal graduation plan.

  • Release periods are only available the first or last period of the day.

  • Learners may only have ONE release period per day.

  • Release periods are not guaranteed and are requested

  • Morning and afternoon releases are determined by the student's schedule and class availability.

  • Students must have passed all previously tested high school STAAR End of Course exams.

    • English I & II

    • Algebra I

    • Biology

    • US History (seniors)

It is encouraged that students are not on campus during their release periods

If a student is unable to leave campus there will be a designated area for a study hall.

Release periods can be request in Home Access Center (labeled under Local Credit Courses)

Scheduling Guidelines

Students build a schedule for an 8 period day. Below are guidelines to consider.

Release Periods: Are requested in registration (more information above)

Double Blocked Classes: Courses listed as double blocked or two periods in the course list must be scheduled as 2 periods. Taking only one class period is not an option.

Course Requests: Students request classes in HAC based on their graduation plan. This is reviewed and may be changed by a learners counselor to ensure on time graduation.

Model Schedule Based on Grade Level